PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator

NPC/Monsters - Monster

Adventurer | Artefact | Auctioneer | BabyPet | CabaleBuffer | CastleBlacksmith | CastleChamberlain | CastleDoormen | CastleMagician | CastleTeleporter | CastleWarehouse | CastleWyvernManager | Chest | ClanHallDoormen | ClanHallManager | ClanTrader | ClassMaster | ControlTower | DawnPriest | Decoy | Defender | Doormen | DungeonGatekeeper | DuskPriest | EventChest | FameManager | FeedableBeast | FestivalGuide | FestivalMonster | Fisherman | FlameTower | FlyMinion | FlyMonster | FlyNpc | FortBallista | FortCommander | FortDoormen | FortEnvoy | FortLogistics | FortManager | FortSiegeNpc | FortSupportCaptain | FortWyvernManager | FriendlyMob | GrandBoss | GroupLeader | Guard | ManorManager | MercenaryManager | Merchant | MerchantSummon | MercManager | Minion | Monster | Npc | NpcWalker | Observation | OlympiadManager | PenaltyMonster | Pet | PetManager | RaidBoss | RiftInvader | SepulcherMonster | SepulcherNpc | SiegeNpc | SiegeSummon | SignsPriest | SymbolMaker | TamedBeast | Teleporter | TerrainObject | TerritoryWard | TownPet | Trainer | TransformManager | VillageMasterDElf | VillageMasterDwarf | VillageMasterFighter | VillageMasterKamael | VillageMasterMystic | VillageMasterOrc | VillageMasterPriest | Warehouse | XmassTree |
NPC class: Type: Skill: Level: -
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 80+ || On the Map || By area

Name Level Type Exp SP HP P.Atk M.Atk RunSpd Atk.Range
Blade Stakato Blade Stakato location on the map 41 Passive 5048 330 1008 241 163 174 40
Crokian Lad Crokian Lad location on the map 41 Aggressive 6178 404 1008 241 163 158 40
Enchanted Monstereye Enchanted Monstereye location on the map 41 Aggressive 2992 196 1008 241 163 158 40
Excuro Excuro location on the map 41 Passive 6668 417 1008 241 163 82 40
Giant Monstereye Giant Monstereye location on the map 41 Passive 2934 192 1008 241 163 158 40
Leto Chief Narak 41 Aggressive 0 0 1008 241 163 140 40
Light Worm Light Worm location on the map 41 Aggressive 4638 304 1008 241 163 174 40
Ogre 41 Aggressive 2469 162 1008 241 163 80 40
Serpent Demon Kadesh 41 Passive 0 0 1008 241 163 110 40
Taik Orc Archer Taik Orc Archer location on the map 41 Passive 3783 247 1008 241 163 158 1100
Tamlin Orc Tamlin Orc location on the map 41 Passive 2934 192 1008 241 163 158 40
Timak Orc Archer Timak Orc Archer location on the map 41 Passive 3783 247 1008 241 163 174 1100
Timak Orc Troop Archer 41 Passive 5183 340 1008 241 163 158 1100
Zenta Lizardman Scout 41 Passive 2518 164 1008 241 163 150 1100
Adiantum 42 Passive 91640 4070 27475 258 128 109 40
Barrow Priest Barrow Priest location on the map 42 Aggressive 7654 510 1051 258 174 135 40
Blade Stakato Worker Blade Stakato Worker location on the map 42 Passive 4772 318 1051 258 174 174 40
Catherok Catherok location on the map 42 Aggressive 6978 443 1051 258 174 55 40
Dailaon Lad Dailaon Lad location on the map 42 Passive 6697 446 1051 258 174 158 1100
Dark Spider Dark Spider location on the map 42 Passive 1433 91 1051 258 174 136 40
Dire Wyrm Dire Wyrm location on the map 42 Aggressive 3109 208 1051 258 174 158 40
Drevanul Prince Zeruel 42 Passive 0 0 1051 258 174 80 40
Enchanted Stone Golem Enchanted Stone Golem location on the map 42 Passive 4353 290 1051 258 174 21 40
Ghost Fire Ghost Fire location on the map 42 Passive 0 0 1051 258 174 127 40
Gigant Confessor Gigant Confessor location on the map 42 Passive 8473 564 1051 258 174 130 40
Gluttonous Kanabion 42 Passive 3243 189 966 229 154 109 40
Great White Shark Great White Shark location on the map 42 Aggressive 2617 174 1051 258 174 174 40
Hallowed Priest Hallowed Priest location on the map 42 Aggressive 7654 510 1051 258 174 123 40
Lith Shaman Lith Shaman location on the map 42 Passive 8473 564 1051 258 174 130 40
Mardian 42 Aggressive 5403 360 1051 258 174 174 40
Mordeo Mordeo location on the map 42 Aggressive 7709 493 1051 258 174 109 40
Ragna Orc Shaman Ragna Orc Shaman location on the map 42 Passive 3782 251 1051 258 174 127 40
Taik Orc Warrior Taik Orc Warrior location on the map 42 Aggressive 3774 251 1051 258 174 174 40
Tamlin Orc Archer Tamlin Orc Archer location on the map 42 Passive 3970 264 1051 258 174 158 1100
Timak Orc Soldier Timak Orc Soldier location on the map 42 Aggressive 3737 248 1051 258 174 174 40
Windsus Aleph 42 Aggressive 0 0 1051 258 174 120 40
Zenta Lizardman Warrior 42 Aggressive 2617 174 1051 258 174 140 40
Black Legion Stormtrooper 43 Aggressive 0 0 1094 275 191 120 40
Blade Otis 43 Passive 784383 58093 132635 473 322 127 40
Blade Stakato Warrior Blade Stakato Warrior location on the map 43 Aggressive 5102 344 1094 275 191 174 40
Catacomb Gargoyle Catacomb Gargoyle location on the map 43 Aggressive 8457 572 1094 275 191 155 40
Crokian Lad Warrior Crokian Lad Warrior location on the map 43 Aggressive 6428 434 1094 275 191 158 40
Enchanted Iron Golem Enchanted Iron Golem location on the map 43 Passive 4563 308 1094 275 191 18 40
Follower of Otis Follower of Otis location on the map 43 Passive 0 0 1094 275 191 127 40
Gok Magok 43 Aggressive 0 0 1094 275 191 100 40
Karul Chief Orooto 43 Aggressive 0 0 1094 275 191 130 40
Kronbe Spider Kronbe Spider location on the map 43 Aggressive 3259 221 1094 275 191 158 40
Minotaur 43 Aggressive 2716 184 1094 275 191 120 40
Ragna Orc Archer Ragna Orc Archer location on the map 43 Passive 3499 236 1094 275 191 118 1100
Ricenseo Ricenseo location on the map 43 Passive 6864 442 1094 275 191 82 40
Rotting tree Rotting tree location on the map 43 Passive 3195 216 1094 275 191 174 40
Snipe Cohort 43 Passive 7953 515 1094 275 191 158 40
Taik Orc Shaman Taik Orc Shaman location on the map 43 Passive 3682 248 1094 275 191 158 40
Timak Orc Troop Warrior 43 Passive 4421 299 1094 275 191 158 40
Timak Orc Warrior Timak Orc Warrior location on the map 43 Passive 3582 242 1094 275 191 158 40
Timak Raider Kaikee 43 Aggressive 0 0 1094 275 191 130 40
Zaken's Elite Pikeman Zaken's Elite Pikeman location on the map 43 Aggressive 10149 686 1094 275 191 158 40
Zaken's Pikeman Zaken's Pikeman location on the map 43 Aggressive 3264 221 1094 275 191 158 40
Zaken's Pikeman 43 Aggressive 4433 300 1094 275 191 158 40
Zaken's Pikeman 43 Aggressive 6277 425 1094 275 191 158 40
Zenta Lizardman Shaman 43 Passive 2689 182 1094 275 191 130 40
Blade Stakato Drone Blade Stakato Drone location on the map 44 Passive 7754 530 1139 293 199 174 40
Catacomb Liviona Catacomb Liviona location on the map 44 Aggressive 8401 575 1139 293 199 127 40
Enchanted Gargoyle Enchanted Gargoyle location on the map 44 Passive 4021 275 1139 293 199 158 40
Farhite Lad Farhite Lad location on the map 44 Passive 6761 463 1139 293 199 158 40
Guardian of the Ghost Town Guardian of the Ghost Town location on the map 44 Passive 1499 98 1139 293 199 91 40
Krator Krator location on the map 44 Passive 7997 523 1139 293 199 55 40
Pirate Zombie Pirate Zombie location on the map 44 Passive 6799 466 1139 293 199 158 40
Ragna Orc Warrior Ragna Orc Warrior location on the map 44 Aggressive 4380 299 1139 293 199 127 40
Rakin Rakin location on the map 44 Passive 3981 272 1139 293 199 158 40
Rotting Golem Rotting Golem location on the map 44 Passive 4730 324 1139 293 199 23 40
Shindebarn Shindebarn location on the map 44 Passive 8166 536 1139 293 199 82 40
Singing Flower Darkling Singing Flower Darkling location on the map 44 Passive 0 0 1139 293 199 120 40
Singing Flower Nightmare Singing Flower Nightmare location on the map 44 Passive 0 0 1139 293 199 120 40
Singing Flower Phantasm Singing Flower Phantasm location on the map 44 Passive 0 0 1139 293 199 120 40
Snipe Snipe location on the map 44 Passive 13373 880 1139 293 199 109 40
Taik Orc Captain Taik Orc Captain location on the map 44 Aggressive 7065 484 1139 293 199 158 40
Timak Orc Shaman Timak Orc Shaman location on the map 44 Passive 3379 232 1139 293 199 158 40
Timak Orc Troop Shaman 44 Passive 5559 380 1139 293 199 158 40
Zaken's Archer Zaken's Archer location on the map 44 Passive 3631 248 1139 293 199 158 1100
Zaken's Archer 44 Passive 4931 337 1139 293 199 174 1100
Zaken's Archer 44 Passive 6982 478 1139 293 199 174 1100
Zaken's Elite Archer Zaken's Elite Archer location on the map 44 Passive 10911 746 1139 293 199 158 1100
Zenta Lizardman Matriarch 44 Aggressive 3418 234 1139 293 199 140 40
Ancient Experiment 45 Passive 0 0 1184 313 212 55 40
Ancient Experiment 45 Passive 0 0 12601 715 489 55 40
Ancient Experiment 45 Passive 0 0 37803 447 310 109 40
Ancient Experiment 45 Passive 0 0 12601 715 489 109 40
Ancient Experiment 45 Passive 0 0 12601 715 489 109 40
Bloody Bat 45 Passive 5773 402 1184 313 212 174 40
Callous Kanabion 45 Passive 3373 234 1184 313 212 109 40
Callous Kanabion 45 Passive 3373 234 1184 313 212 109 80
Carinkain Carinkain location on the map 45 Aggressive 3569 248 1184 313 212 158 40
Cruma Border 45 Passive 0 0 1184 313 212 0 40
Fline Fline location on the map 45 Passive 6639 462 1184 313 212 158 40
Formor Formor location on the map 45 Passive 3534 246 1184 313 212 174 40
Gigant Commander Gigant Commander location on the map 45 Passive 10925 760 1184 313 212 136 40
Grave Overlord Grave Overlord location on the map 45 Aggressive 9263 644 1184 313 212 145 40
Grave Wanderer Grave Wanderer location on the map 45 Passive 4948 344 1184 313 212 15 40
Kertang's Messenger 45 Passive 3835 266 1184 313 212 109 40
Lith Commander Lith Commander location on the map 45 Passive 10925 760 1184 313 212 136 40
Nos Lad Nos Lad location on the map 45 Aggressive 8371 582 1184 313 212 158 40
Partisan Archer Partisan Archer location on the map 45 Passive 1013 1 1184 313 212 110 1100
Partisan Archer 45 Passive 1013 1 1184 313 212 110 1100
Partisan Soldier Partisan Soldier location on the map 45 Passive 1013 1 1184 313 212 110 40
Partisan Soldier 45 Passive 1013 1 1184 313 212 110 40
Partisan Sorcerer Partisan Sorcerer location on the map 45 Passive 1013 1 1184 313 212 120 40
Partisan Sorcerer 45 Passive 1013 1 1184 313 212 120 40
Premo Premo location on the map 45 Passive 8303 552 1184 313 212 82 40
Premo Premo location on the map 45 Passive 0 1 11721 425 70 100 40
Ragna Orc Healer 45 Passive 4342 301 1184 313 212 120 40
Ragna Orc Mage Ragna Orc Mage location on the map 45 Passive 5625 391 1184 313 212 127 40
Ragna Orc Mage Ragna Orc Mage location on the map 45 Passive 5158 358 1184 313 212 120 40
Ragna Orc Mage Ragna Orc Mage location on the map 45 Passive 5625 391 1184 313 212 120 40
Ragna Orc Mage 45 Passive 3963 275 1184 313 212 120 40
Shackle Shackle location on the map 45 Aggressive 3569 248 1184 313 212 158 40
Shackle 45 Aggressive 2974 206 1184 313 212 120 40
Swamp Tribe Swamp Tribe location on the map 45 Aggressive 12334 858 1184 313 212 158 40
Taik Overlord Kakran 45 Aggressive 0 0 1184 313 212 170 40
Tainted Ogre 45 Aggressive 6158 428 1184 313 212 174 40
Timak Orc Overlord Timak Orc Overlord location on the map 45 Aggressive 4441 308 1184 313 212 158 40
Timak Orc Troop Leader Timak Orc Troop Leader location on the map 45 Passive 5762 401 1184 313 212 158 40
Trisalim Spider Trisalim Spider location on the map 45 Passive 3499 244 1184 313 212 174 40
Vanor Silenos Vanor Silenos location on the map 45 Passive 3711 258 1184 313 212 174 40
Vault Overlord Vault Overlord location on the map 45 Aggressive 9263 644 1184 313 212 145 40
Water Giant Water Giant location on the map 45 Aggressive 6270 436 1184 313 212 174 40
Weird Drake Weird Drake location on the map 45 Aggressive 3605 251 1184 313 212 158 40
Zaken's High Grade Watchman Zaken's High Grade Watchman location on the map 45 Aggressive 10440 726 1184 313 212 158 40
Zaken's Seer Zaken's Seer location on the map 45 Aggressive 2974 206 1184 313 212 158 40
Zaken's Watchman 45 Aggressive 4039 281 1184 313 212 174 40
Zaken's Watchman 45 Aggressive 5720 397 1184 313 212 174 40
Archer of Greed Archer of Greed location on the map 46 Aggressive 4858 344 1230 332 231 174 1100
Brave Martim 46 Passive 848114 69276 165223 630 431 127 40
Cave Servant Cave Servant location on the map 46 Passive 3693 262 1230 332 231 174 40
Cave Servant 46 Passive 3078 218 1230 332 231 140 40
Decayed Ancient Pikeman Decayed Ancient Pikeman location on the map 46 Aggressive 9679 686 1230 332 231 155 40
Forest of Mirrors Ghost Forest of Mirrors Ghost location on the map 46 Aggressive 3973 282 1230 332 231 158 40
Formor Elder Formor Elder location on the map 46 Passive 3841 272 1230 332 231 158 40
Liele Liele location on the map 46 Passive 6869 487 1230 332 231 158 40
Light Bringer Light Bringer location on the map 46 Aggressive 5839 414 1230 332 231 158 40
Probe Golem Prodigy IV Probe Golem Prodigy IV location on the map 46 Aggressive 4787 338 1230 332 231 173 40
Queen Undine Lad Queen Undine Lad location on the map 46 Passive 6312 448 1230 332 231 174 40
Timak Overlord Okun 46 Aggressive 0 0 1230 332 231 140 40
Trisalim Tarantula Trisalim Tarantula location on the map 46 Aggressive 4144 294 1230 332 231 174 40
Unpleasant Humming Unpleasant Humming location on the map 46 Aggressive 3453 245 1230 332 231 158 40
Unpleasant Humming 46 Aggressive 4689 332 1230 332 231 174 40
Unpleasant Humming 46 Aggressive 6640 470 1230 332 231 174 40
Unpleasant Shout Unpleasant Shout location on the map 46 Aggressive 11332 803 1230 332 231 158 40
Validus Validus location on the map 46 Passive 9348 635 1230 332 231 158 40
Validus Validus location on the map 46 Aggressive 0 1 12130 451 75 100 40
Vanor Silenos Grunt Vanor Silenos Grunt location on the map 46 Passive 3693 262 1230 332 231 174 40
Varangka's Dre Vanul Varangka's Dre Vanul location on the map 46 Passive 1720 116 1230 332 231 91 40
Weird Bunei 46 Passive 848114 69276 165223 630 431 127 40
Wendy's Guardian 46 Aggressive 0 0 1230 332 231 174 40
Callous Kanabion 47 Passive 4061 258 1184 317 220 109 40
Cave Servant Archer Cave Servant Archer location on the map 47 Passive 4972 356 1277 353 244 174 1100
Cave Servant Archer 47 Passive 3309 238 1277 353 244 140 1100
Death Flyer Death Flyer location on the map 47 Passive 3566 256 1277 353 244 158 40
Death Flyer 47 Passive 4843 347 1277 353 244 174 40
Death Flyer 47 Passive 6858 492 1277 353 244 174 40
Dicor Dicor location on the map 47 Aggressive 9429 646 1277 353 244 158 40
Dicor Dicor location on the map 47 Aggressive 0 1 12544 478 79 109 40
Eva's Seeker Eva's Seeker location on the map 47 Passive 5917 424 1277 353 244 174 40
Forest of Mirrors Ghost Forest of Mirrors Ghost location on the map 47 Aggressive 4148 298 1277 353 244 158 40
Giant Wild Hog 47 Aggressive 3277 235 1277 353 244 120 40
Gigantic Flyer Gigantic Flyer location on the map 47 Passive 12517 898 1277 353 244 158 40
Grave Priest Grave Priest location on the map 47 Aggressive 9585 687 1277 353 244 123 40
Hatar Ratman Thief Hatar Ratman Thief location on the map 47 Passive 4588 329 1277 353 244 174 40
Menacing Jackhammer Golem Menacing Jackhammer Golem location on the map 47 Aggressive 5386 385 1277 353 244 164 40
Nightmare Lord Nightmare Lord location on the map 47 Aggressive 2400 172 1277 353 244 158 40
Ossiud Ossiud location on the map 47 Aggressive 10557 727 1277 353 244 158 40
Ragna Orc Sniper Ragna Orc Sniper location on the map 47 Passive 4180 299 1277 353 244 127 1100
Secret Keeper Tree Secret Keeper Tree location on the map 47 Passive 0 0 1277 353 244 11 40
Spelunking Spider Spelunking Spider location on the map 47 Passive 3673 263 1277 353 244 136 40
Spore Zombie Spore Zombie location on the map 47 Passive 4310 308 1277 353 244 15 40
Tarlk Bugbear Tarlk Bugbear location on the map 47 Passive 3855 276 1277 353 244 158 40
Theeder 47 Aggressive 3409 245 1277 353 244 174 40
Valley Treant Valley Treant location on the map 47 Passive 10140 727 1277 353 244 12 40
Vanor Silenos Scout Vanor Silenos Scout location on the map 47 Aggressive 4805 344 1277 353 244 174 40
Vault Priest Vault Priest location on the map 47 Aggressive 9585 687 1277 353 244 123 40
Cave Servant Warrior Cave Servant Warrior location on the map 48 Passive 4785 349 1324 375 260 174 40
Cave Servant Warrior 48 Passive 3351 245 1324 375 260 140 40
Dark Knight 48 Passive 12549 887 1324 375 260 158 40
Fiend Archer Fiend Archer location on the map 48 Aggressive 3663 268 1324 375 260 158 1100
Fiend Archer 48 Aggressive 4925 360 1324 375 260 158 1100
Fiend Archer 48 Aggressive 6974 510 1324 375 260 158 1100
Forest of Mirrors Ghost Forest of Mirrors Ghost location on the map 48 Aggressive 4326 316 1324 375 260 158 40
Hatar Ratman Boss Hatar Ratman Boss location on the map 48 Passive 4785 349 1324 375 260 174 40
Horrifying Cannon Golem I Horrifying Cannon Golem I location on the map 48 Aggressive 5286 385 1324 375 260 164 40
Horrifying Cannon Golem IV Horrifying Cannon Golem IV location on the map 48 Aggressive 5451 397 1324 375 260 164 40
Lilim Butcher Lilim Butcher location on the map 48 Passive 12374 904 1324 375 260 155 40
Nephilim Sentinel Nephilim Sentinel location on the map 48 Passive 12374 904 1324 375 260 155 40
Perum Perum location on the map 48 Aggressive 13708 955 1324 375 260 18 40
Perum Perum location on the map 48 Aggressive 0 1 12964 505 88 20 40
Pit Archer Pit Archer location on the map 48 Aggressive 12729 930 1324 375 260 158 1100
Ragna Orc Hero Ragna Orc Hero location on the map 48 Aggressive 5213 380 1324 375 260 127 40
Raikel Raikel location on the map 48 Passive 0 1 6482 405 57 230 40
Riba Riba location on the map 48 Passive 0 1 6482 405 57 230 40
Satyr Satyr location on the map 48 Aggressive 11074 809 1324 375 260 158 40
Tarlk Bugbear Warrior Tarlk Bugbear Warrior location on the map 48 Aggressive 4553 332 1324 375 260 174 40
Tarlk Raider Athu 48 Aggressive 0 0 1324 375 260 130 40
Tarlk Raider Kalath 48 Aggressive 0 0 1324 375 260 130 40
Tarlk Raider Lanka 48 Aggressive 0 0 1324 375 260 130 40
Tarlk Raider Motura 48 Aggressive 0 0 1324 375 260 130 40
Tarlk Raider Triska 48 Aggressive 0 0 1324 375 260 130 40
Theeder Piker Theeder Piker location on the map 48 Aggressive 7134 521 1324 375 260 174 80
Vanor Silenos Warrior Vanor Silenos Warrior location on the map 48 Passive 5026 367 1324 375 260 174 40
Cave Servant Captain Cave Servant Captain location on the map 49 Aggressive 5086 376 1372 398 275 174 40
Cave Servant Captain 49 Aggressive 3562 263 1372 398 275 140 40
Cruel Vice Golem Cruel Vice Golem location on the map 49 Aggressive 5854 432 1372 398 275 127 40
Decayed Ancient Soldier Decayed Ancient Soldier location on the map 49 Aggressive 10982 812 1372 398 275 160 40
Dragon Bearer Chief Dragon Bearer Chief location on the map 49 Aggressive 6307 467 1372 398 275 158 40
Greater Musveren Greater Musveren location on the map 49 Passive 12257 906 1372 398 275 158 40
Hatar Hanishee Hatar Hanishee location on the map 49 Passive 4190 310 1372 398 275 174 40
Liangma Liangma location on the map 49 Aggressive 8025 560 1372 398 275 158 40
Lost Beholder 49 Passive 0 0 33211 1800 1242 127 40
Lost Watcher 49 Passive 0 0 16606 2142 1472 127 40
Lost Watcher 49 Passive 0 0 16606 2142 1472 127 40
Mirror Mirror location on the map 49 Passive 10210 755 1372 398 275 158 40
Musveren Musveren location on the map 49 Passive 3492 258 1372 398 275 158 40
Musveren 49 Passive 4742 350 1372 398 275 174 40
Musveren 49 Passive 6715 497 1372 398 275 174 40
Probe Golem Champion I Probe Golem Champion I location on the map 49 Aggressive 5266 389 1372 398 275 127 40
Ragna Orc Commander Ragna Orc Commander location on the map 49 Aggressive 5432 401 1372 398 275 127 40
Raikel Leos 49 Passive 0 1 6694 1448 2154 230 40
Riba Iren Riba Iren location on the map 49 Passive 0 1 13389 1448 2154 230 40
Susceptor 49 Aggressive 3492 258 1372 398 275 174 40
Susceptor Susceptor location on the map 49 Aggressive 0 1 13389 535 93 136 40
Susceptor Prime 49 Passive 0 1 1372 398 275 170 1100
Tarlk Bugbear High Warrior Tarlk Bugbear High Warrior location on the map 49 Passive 4987 368 1372 398 275 158 40
Theeder Mage Theeder Mage location on the map 49 Passive 7262 536 1372 398 275 174 40
Torfe Torfe location on the map 49 Passive 10330 730 1372 398 275 158 40
Unicorn Unicorn location on the map 49 Passive 11880 878 1372 398 275 158 40
Vanor Silenos Shaman Vanor Silenos Shaman location on the map 49 Passive 4190 310 1372 398 275 174 40
Varangka's Succubus Varangka's Succubus location on the map 49 Passive 1951 138 1372 398 275 109 40
Aracna 50 Passive 3000 226 1421 421 286 176 40
Betrayer Orc Hero 50 Passive 4429 334 1421 421 286 170 40
Box Of Athrea 1 50 Passive 0 0 1421 421 286 0 40
Box Of Athrea 2 50 Passive 0 0 1421 421 286 0 40
Box Of Athrea 3 50 Passive 0 0 1421 421 286 0 40
Box Of Athrea 4 50 Passive 0 0 1421 421 286 0 40
Box Of Athrea 5 50 Passive 0 0 1421 421 286 0 40
Cruma Phantom 50 Passive 0 0 17718 1092 753 55 40
Cruma Phantom 50 Passive 0 0 53155 677 468 55 40
Cruma Phantom 50 Passive 0 0 17718 1092 753 82 40
Cruma Phantom 50 Passive 0 0 17718 1092 753 82 40
Crypt Archon Crypt Archon location on the map 50 Passive 10635 801 1421 421 286 170 40
Dark Lord Dark Lord location on the map 50 Aggressive 11417 826 1421 421 286 158 40
Death Knight Death Knight location on the map 50 Aggressive 14026 1012 1421 421 286 158 40
Death Knight 50 Aggressive 0 1 13817 565 98 100 40
Decayed Ancient Knight Decayed Ancient Knight location on the map 50 Aggressive 11435 861 1421 421 286 170 40
Demon King 50 Aggressive 0 0 1421 421 286 80 40
Deprive Deprive location on the map 50 Aggressive 4406 332 1421 421 286 174 40
Doll Master Doll Master location on the map 50 Aggressive 14218 1072 1421 421 286 174 40
Forest Runner Forest Runner location on the map 50 Passive 8116 611 1421 421 286 158 40
Garden Guard Leader Garden Guard Leader location on the map 50 Aggressive 14866 1120 1421 421 286 174 40
Golden Stag Lord 50 Passive 3783 284 1421 421 286 174 40
Grima 50 Aggressive 0 0 1421 421 286 170 40
Harit Lizardman Harit Lizardman location on the map 50 Passive 4363 329 1421 421 286 158 40
Headless Knight Headless Knight location on the map 50 Aggressive 4450 335 1421 421 286 174 40
Headless Knight 50 Aggressive 3709 280 1421 421 286 110 40
Mutated Elpy 50 Passive 0 0 1421 421 286 55 40
Ol Mahum Transcender Ol Mahum Transcender location on the map 50 Passive 4954 372 1421 421 286 118 40
Partisan Court Guard Partisan Court Guard location on the map 50 Passive 1250 1 1421 421 286 110 40
Partisan Court Guard Partisan Court Guard location on the map 50 Passive 1250 1 1421 421 286 110 1100
Partisan Court Guard 50 Passive 1250 1 1421 421 286 110 40
Partisan Court Guard 50 Passive 1250 1 1421 421 286 110 1100
Partisan Healer Partisan Healer location on the map 50 Passive 1250 1 1421 421 286 120 40
Partisan Healer 50 Passive 1250 1 1421 421 286 120 40
Queen Undine 50 Aggressive 3709 280 1421 421 286 60 40
Ragna Orc Sorcerer Ragna Orc Sorcerer location on the map 50 Passive 6944 522 1421 421 286 127 40
Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 Passive 6368 479 1421 421 286 127 40
Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 Passive 6944 522 1421 421 286 127 40
Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 Passive 4892 368 1421 421 286 127 40
Savage Kanabion 50 Passive 3984 300 1421 421 286 109 40
Savage Kanabion 50 Passive 3984 300 1421 421 286 109 40
Sepulcher Archon 50 Passive 10635 801 1421 421 286 170 40
Soul of Tree Guardian 50 Aggressive 0 0 1421 421 286 140 40
Spelunking Ant Spelunking Ant location on the map 50 Aggressive 4157 312 1421 421 286 136 40
Spiteful Ghost of Ruins Spiteful Ghost of Ruins location on the map 50 Aggressive 6419 484 1421 421 286 15 40
Tairim Tairim location on the map 50 Passive 4581 346 1421 421 286 174 40
Tanor Silenos Chieftain Tanor Silenos Chieftain location on the map 50 Aggressive 3902 294 1421 421 286 158 40
Tarlk Basilisk Tarlk Basilisk location on the map 50 Passive 4288 323 1421 421 286 158 40
Vanor Silenos Chieftain Vanor Silenos Chieftain location on the map 50 Passive 8731 658 1421 421 286 174 40
Zaken's Elite Guard Zaken's Elite Guard location on the map 50 Aggressive 13722 1033 1421 421 286 158 40
Zaken's Guard 50 Aggressive 5993 451 1421 421 286 158 40
Zaken's Guard 50 Aggressive 8487 640 1421 421 286 174 40
Zaken's Royal Guard Zaken's Royal Guard location on the map 50 Aggressive 4413 332 1421 421 286 158 40