PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator
Light of Elcardia

NPC/Monsters - CastleChamberlain

Adventurer | Artefact | Auctioneer | BabyPet | CabaleBuffer | CastleBlacksmith | CastleChamberlain | CastleDoormen | CastleMagician | CastleTeleporter | CastleWarehouse | CastleWyvernManager | Chest | ClanHallDoormen | ClanHallManager | ClanTrader | ClassMaster | ControlTower | DawnPriest | Decoy | Defender | Doormen | DungeonGatekeeper | DuskPriest | EventChest | FameManager | FeedableBeast | FestivalGuide | FestivalMonster | Fisherman | FlameTower | FlyMinion | FlyMonster | FlyNpc | FortBallista | FortCommander | FortDoormen | FortEnvoy | FortLogistics | FortManager | FortSiegeNpc | FortSupportCaptain | FortWyvernManager | FriendlyMob | GrandBoss | GroupLeader | Guard | ManorManager | MercenaryManager | Merchant | MerchantSummon | MercManager | Minion | Monster | Npc | NpcWalker | Observation | OlympiadManager | PenaltyMonster | Pet | PetManager | RaidBoss | RiftInvader | SepulcherMonster | SepulcherNpc | SiegeNpc | SiegeSummon | SignsPriest | SymbolMaker | TamedBeast | Teleporter | TerrainObject | TerritoryWard | TownPet | Trainer | TransformManager | VillageMasterDElf | VillageMasterDwarf | VillageMasterFighter | VillageMasterKamael | VillageMasterMystic | VillageMasterOrc | VillageMasterPriest | Warehouse | XmassTree |
NPC class: Type: Skill: Level: -
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 80+ || On the Map || By area

Name Level Type Exp SP HP P.Atk M.Atk RunSpd Atk.Range
Alfred Alfred location on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 120 40
August August location on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 50 40
Brasseur Brasseur location on the map 70 Passive 490 10 2444 1086 749 109 40
Crosby Crosby location on the map 70 Passive 490 10 2444 1086 749 120 40
Frederick Frederick location on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 50 40
Logan Logan location on the map 70 Passive 490 10 2444 1086 749 120 40
Neurath Neurath location on the map 70 Passive 490 10 2444 1086 749 120 40
Saul Saul location on the map 70 Passive 490 10 2444 1086 749 120 40
Sayres Sayres location on the map 70 Passive 490 10 2444 1086 749 109 40