PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator
Light of Elcardia

Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 76 Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 76

Type: None

A mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 76 and above.
NPC Name Type Quantity Chance
Disciples Of Authority (76) Disciples of Authority location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1024
Disciples Of Authority (76) Disciples of Authority location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1110
Ghost Of A Gatekeeper (76) Ghost of a Gatekeeper location on the map Passive 1 1/702
Ghost Of A Gatekeeper (76) Ghost of a Gatekeeper location on the map Passive 1 1/3226
Hot Springs Atrox (76) Hot Springs Atrox location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2092
Hot Springs Bandersnatch (76) Hot Springs Bandersnatch location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2320
Hot Springs Grendel (76) Hot Springs Grendel location on the map Passive 1 1/2119
Past Creature (76) Past Creature location on the map Passive 1 1/5155
Spiked Stakato Soldier (76) Spiked Stakato Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1650
Grazing Antelope (77) Grazing Antelope location on the map Aggressive 1 1/3717
Grazing Kookaburra (77) Grazing Kookaburra location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2538
Ketra Orc Footman (77) Ketra Orc Footman location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2457
Ketra's War Hound (77) Ketra's War Hound location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2033
Sepulcher Preacher (77) Sepulcher Preacher location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1600
Spiked Stakato Drone (77) Spiked Stakato Drone location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1443
Tomb Preacher (77) Tomb Preacher location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1681
Varka Silenos Footman (77) Varka Silenos Footman location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2513
Varka Silenos Recruit (77) Varka Silenos Recruit location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1980
Vassal Ghost (77) Vassal Ghost location on the map Passive 1 1/3460
Abraxion (78) Abraxion location on the map Aggressive 1 1/870
Abraxion (78) Abraxion location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1277
Andreas' Captain Of The Royal Guard (78) Andreas' Captain of the Royal Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 1/996
Arimanes (78) Arimanes location on the map Passive 1 1/1005
Arimanes (78) Arimanes location on the map Passive 1 1/857
Arimanes Of Destruction (78) Arimanes of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1267
Arimanes Of Destruction (78) Arimanes of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1115
Ashkenas (78) Ashkenas location on the map Aggressive 1 1/813
Ashkenas (78) Ashkenas location on the map Aggressive 1 1/719
Ashuras (78) Ashuras location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1058
Ashuras (78) Ashuras location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1127
Ashuras Of Destruction (78) Ashuras of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/844
Ashuras Of Destruction (78) Ashuras of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/769
Assassin Beetle (78) Assassin Beetle location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1202
Assassin Beetle (78) Assassin Beetle location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1151
Assassin Of Empire (78) Assassin of Empire location on the map Passive 1 1/1255
Assassin Of Empire (78) Assassin of Empire location on the map Passive 1 1/1244
Balrog Of Destruction (78) Balrog of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/807
Beholder Of Light (78) Beholder of Light location on the map Aggressive 1 1/617
Blazing Ifrit (78) Blazing Ifrit location on the map Aggressive 1 1/698
Carrion Scarab (78) Carrion Scarab location on the map Passive 1 1/1927
Carrion Scarab (78) Carrion Scarab location on the map Passive 1 1/1880
Chakram Beetle (78) Chakram Beetle location on the map Passive 1 1/683
Chapel Guard (78) Chapel Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 1/11765
Dancer Of Empire (78) Passive 1 1/983
Dancer Of Empire (78) Aggressive 1 1/927
Disciple Of Prophet (78) Disciple of Prophet location on the map Passive 1 1/2049
Divine Advocate (78) Divine Advocate location on the map Passive 1 1/797
Elder Lavasaurus (78) Elder Lavasaurus location on the map Aggressive 1 1/696
Executor Of Sacrificial Offerings (78) Passive 1 1/503
Forgotten Victim (78) Forgotten Victim location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1403
Giant's Shadow (78) Giant's Shadow location on the map Passive 1 1/5587
Grazing Bandersnatch (78) Grazing Bandersnatch location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2667
Grazing Buffalo (78) Grazing Buffalo location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2398
Grazing Elder Antelope (78) Grazing Elder Antelope location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2174
Grazing Elder Buffalo (78) Grazing Elder Buffalo location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1946
Grazing Elder Kookaburra (78) Grazing Elder Kookaburra location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1852
Grazing Flava (78) Grazing Flava location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1520
Grazing Nepenthes (78) Grazing Nepenthes location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2849
Grazing Windsus (78) Grazing Windsus location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2045
Guardian Scarab (78) Guardian Scarab location on the map Passive 1 1/1495
Guardian Scarab (78) Guardian Scarab location on the map Passive 1 1/1220
Guardian Spirit Of Ancient Holy Ground (78) Guardian Spirit of Ancient Holy Ground location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1435
Guide Of Offering (78) Passive 1 1/635
Hasturan (78) Hasturan location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1183
Hasturan (78) Hasturan location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1236
Hexa Beetle (78) Hexa Beetle location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1408
Hexa Beetle (78) Hexa Beetle location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1239
Iblis Of Destruction (78) Iblis of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/819
Imperial Commander (78) Imperial Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1212
Imperial Commander (78) Imperial Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1/778
Imperial Royal Guard (78) Imperial Royal Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/1318
Imperial Royal Guard (78) Passive 1 1/1294
Jamadar Beetle (78) Passive 1 1/705
Judge Of Light (78) Judge of Light location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1139
Katraxis (78) Katraxis location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1183
Katraxis (78) Katraxis location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1366
Ketra Commander (78) Ketra Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1106
Ketra Elite Guard (78) Ketra Elite Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/2041
Ketra Orc Battalion Commander (78) Ketra Orc Battalion Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2155
Ketra Orc Elite Soldier (78) Ketra Orc Elite Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2119
Ketra Orc General (78) Ketra Orc General location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2155
Ketra Orc Grand Seer (78) Ketra Orc Grand Seer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1565
Ketra Orc Lieutenant (78) Ketra Orc Lieutenant location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1745
Ketra Orc Medium (78) Ketra Orc Medium location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1848
Ketra Orc Raider (78) Ketra Orc Raider location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1783
Ketra Orc Scout (78) Ketra Orc Scout location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2558
Ketra Orc Seer (78) Ketra Orc Seer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1642
Ketra Orc Warrior (78) Ketra Orc Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2445
Ketra Orc White Captain (78) Ketra Orc White Captain location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2000
Ketra Prophet (78) Ketra Prophet location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1083
Ketra's Head Guard (78) Ketra's Head Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/1842
Ketra's Head Shaman (78) Ketra's Head Shaman location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1645
Knight Of Destruction (78) Knight of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1011
Knight Of Empire (78) Knight of Empire location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1639
Knight Of Empire (78) Knight of Empire location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1050
Lavasaurus (78) Lavasaurus location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1026
Lavasillisk (78) Lavasillisk location on the map Aggressive 1 1/957
Lavastone Golem (78) Lavastone Golem location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1148
Leader Of Offering (78) Passive 1 1/551
Lesser Ancient Warrior (78) Lesser Ancient Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1546
Lilim Great Mystic (78) Lilim Great Mystic location on the map Passive 1 1/1686
Magma Drake (78) Magma Drake location on the map Aggressive 1 1/906
Magma Drake (78) Magma Drake location on the map Aggressive 1 1/775
Magma Golem (78) Magma Golem location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1001
Mercenary Of Destruction (78) Mercenary of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/973
Messenger Invader Archer (78) Aggressive 1 1/1742
Messenger Invader Berserker (78) Aggressive 1 1/1681
Messenger Invader Disciple (78) Passive 1 1/1495
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Passive 1 1/16129
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/719
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/464
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/1661
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1.37%
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Passive 1 1/8197
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/784
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/409
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1.48%
Messenger Invader Food (78) Passive 1 1/4386
Messenger Invader Magus (78) Passive 1 1/444
Messenger Invader Magus (78) Aggressive 1 1/1686
Messenger Invader Martyrs (78) Passive 1 1/1883
Messenger Invader Priest (78) Passive 1 1/2364
Messenger Invader Shaman (78) Aggressive 1 1/1274
Messenger Invader Soldier (78) Passive 1 1/1529
Messenger Invader Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/1988
Messenger Invader Soldier (78) Aggressive 1 1/1284
Messenger Invader Warrior (78) Aggressive 1 1/1969
Messenger Invader Warrior (78) Aggressive 1 1/739
Monastic Crusader (78) Monastic Crusader location on the map Aggressive 1 1/891
Necromancer Of Destruction (78) Necromancer of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1208
Necromancer Of Destruction (78) Necromancer of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/978
Nephilim Cardinal (78) Nephilim Cardinal location on the map Passive 1 1/1550
Nonexistent Man (78) Nonexistent Man location on the map Passive 1 1/6452
Prophet Guard (78) Prophet Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/1972
Prophet's Aide (78) Prophet's Aide location on the map Passive 1 1/1555
Prophet's Guard (78) Prophet's Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/1580
Resurrected Temple Knight (78) Resurrected Temple Knight location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1377
Ritual Offering (78) Ritual Offering location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1299
Ritual Offering (78) Ritual Offering location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1377
Ritual Sacrifice (78) Ritual Sacrifice location on the map Aggressive 1 1/860
Ritual Sacrifice (78) Ritual Sacrifice location on the map Aggressive 1 1/880
Ritual Sacrifice (78) Ritual Sacrifice location on the map Aggressive 1 1/860
Royal Guard Of Empire (78) Passive 1 1/994
Royal Guard Of Empire (78) Royal Guard of Empire location on the map Passive 1 1/1111
Scarlet Stakato Noble (78) Scarlet Stakato Noble location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1024
Scarlet Stakato Noble (78) Scarlet Stakato Noble location on the map Aggressive 1 1/969
Scarlet Stakato Soldier (78) Scarlet Stakato Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1323
Scarlet Stakato Worker (78) Scarlet Stakato Worker location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1166
Seer Of Blood (78) Seer of Blood location on the map Passive 1 1/371
Silent Seeker (78) Silent Seeker location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1232
Soldier Scarab (78) Soldier Scarab location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1029
Soldier Scarab (78) Soldier Scarab location on the map Aggressive 1 1/903
Solina Brother (78) Solina Brother location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1264
Spiked Stakato Baby (78) Spiked Stakato Baby location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1056
Spiked Stakato Captain (78) Spiked Stakato Captain location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1558
Spiked Stakato Nurse (78) Spiked Stakato Nurse location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1003
Spiked Stakato Nurse (78) Spiked Stakato Nurse location on the map Passive 1 1/1506
Temple Guard (78) Temple Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1266
Temple Guard Captain (78) Temple Guard Captain location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1311
Tepra Scarab (78) Tepra Scarab location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1133
Tepra Scorpion (78) Tepra Scorpion location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1284
Tera Beetle (78) Tera Beetle location on the map Passive 1 1/1431
Tera Beetle (78) Tera Beetle location on the map Passive 1 1/1022
Treasure Chest (78) Passive 1 1/6250
Treasure Chest (78) Passive 1 1/4608
Triol's Believer (78) Triol's Believer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/918
Triol's High Priest (78) Triol's High Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2463
Triol's High Priest (78) Triol's High Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/690
Triol's High Priest (78) Triol's High Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/799
Triol's Priest (78) Triol's Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/936
Triol's Priest (78) Triol's Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/897
Ustralith (78) Ustralith location on the map Aggressive 1 1/937
Ustralith (78) Ustralith location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1218
Varka Silenos General (78) Varka Silenos General location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1312
Varka Silenos Great Magus (78) Varka Silenos Great Magus location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1416
Varka Silenos Great Seer (78) Varka Silenos Great Seer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1196
Varka Silenos Hunter (78) Varka Silenos Hunter location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2045
Varka Silenos Magus (78) Varka Silenos Magus location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1779
Varka Silenos Medium (78) Varka Silenos Medium location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1157
Varka Silenos Officer (78) Varka Silenos Officer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1460
Varka Silenos Priest (78) Varka Silenos Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1548
Varka Silenos Scout (78) Varka Silenos Scout location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1658
Varka Silenos Seer (78) Varka Silenos Seer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2198
Varka Silenos Shaman (78) Varka Silenos Shaman location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1647
Varka Silenos Warrior (78) Varka Silenos Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1709
Varka's Commander (78) Varka's Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1353
Varka's Elite Guard (78) Varka's Elite Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/1504
Varka's Head Guard (78) Varka's Head Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/2088
Varka's Head Magus (78) Varka's Head Magus location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1397
Varka's Prophet (78) Varka's Prophet location on the map Aggressive 1 1/918
Zombie Worker (78) Zombie Worker location on the map Aggressive 1 1/8333
Queen Shyeed (80) Passive 1 11.23%
Treasure Chest (80) Passive 1 1/4274
Beleth's Follower (86) Aggressive 1 1/2778
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem (86) Passive 1 1/7519