PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator
Light of Elcardia

Nakondas (40)   Nakondas location on the map Location

HP Increase (1x) (1)
MP Increase (1x) (1)
Raid Boss (1)
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss - Level 40 (1)
This crankly, ambitious Wyrm leads the Wyrms in the Gorgon Flower Garden against the occupying Gorgons. He is forcing even neutral Wyrms into conflict with the Gorgons. He hates Gorgon Queen Stenoa passionately. Resist Full Magic Attack (1) Decrease Speed (3)
Instantly reduces Speed. Effect 2. Sleep (3)
You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement. Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
BOSS Windstrike (3) Dragons (10)
This word refers to True Dragon that is the most powerful and represents evil creatures Shilen gave birth to and its kinds.  Most of this race flies with two wings like reptiles and emits strong energy through its mouth. One-handed Sword (3)
Standard Type (2)

Passive male, Exp: 2030965, SP: 181264, HP: 91937, P.Atk: 303, M.Atk: 21, RunSpd: 279, Atk.Range: 40

Minions: Nakondas' Slave (39) (3-3) Nakondas' Slave location on the map  |  Nakondas' Chain (39) (1-1) Nakondas' Chain location on the map
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Atuba Hammer Head Atuba Hammer Head (3-7) - 17.76%
Atuba Mace Head Atuba Mace Head (3-9) - 14.81%
Bonebreaker Head Bonebreaker Head (2-6) - 22.21%
Destruction Tombstone Destruction Tombstone - 64.00%
Dragon Heart Dragon Heart (1-2) - 85.00%
Dragon Heart: C-Grade Dragon Heart: C-Grade - 25.00%
Ghost Staff Head Ghost Staff Head (7-21) - 6.73%
Sage's Rag Lining Sage's Rag Lining (12-36) - 47.80%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C) Scroll: Enchant Armor (C) (12-36) - 38.70%
Staff Of Life Shaft Staff Of Life Shaft (12-36) - 3.92%
Atuba Hammer Atuba Hammer 2561 (D) 1.55%
Atuba Mace Atuba Mace 2561 (D) 1.55%
Bonebreaker Bonebreaker 2561 (D) 1.55%
Ghost Staff Ghost Staff 2561 (D) 1.55%
Staff Of Life Staff Of Life 2561 (D) 1.55%
Sage's Rag Sage's Rag 677 (D) 19.54%