PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator

Catacomb Wisp (26)   Catacomb Wisp location on the map Location

MP Increase (1x) (1)
Weak Point against Bow/Crossbow Weapons (1)
Weak against Bow/Crossbow attacks. Wind Attack Weak Point (1)
Vulnerable to wind attacks. Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Blunt Weapons (5)
HP Increase (4x) (12)
Light Armor Type (3)
Weak P. Def. and strong Evasion. Magic Creatures (2)
The common name for the biotechnological items of the Magic and Titan Ages. Their M. Atk. is generally strong and they sometimes use high-level magic, such as teleportation. NPC Aura Burn - Magic (2) NPC Windstrike - Magic (2)

Aggressive male, Exp: 3153, SP: 159, HP: 487, P.Atk: 79, M.Atk: 57, RunSpd: 120, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adamantite Nugget Adamantite Nugget - 1/162
Adena Adena (477-911) - 70.00%
Charcoal Charcoal - 15.42%
Recipe: Mace Of Judgment Recipe: Mace Of Judgment (view) - 1/418
Suede Suede - 10.28%
Iron Plate Gaiters Iron Plate Gaiters 74 (D) 1/650
Ring Mail Breastplate Ring Mail Breastplate 119 (D) 1/1041
Charcoal Charcoal (1-3) - 1/2
Necklace Of Devotion Chain Necklace Of Devotion Chain - 1/6
Recipe: Enchanted Necklace Recipe: Enchanted Necklace (view) - 1/5