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Light of Elcardia

Skills - Orc Dominator

Orc Dominator
Skill Name (Level) Type MP Consume Range SP Cost Description
Level 76
Sigil Mastery Sigil Mastery (1) - - 6250000 (no description yet)
Seal of Disease Seal of Disease (1) (spellbook) Active
105 600 8340000 Temporarily decrease enemy clan members' heal spell effectiveness.
Expertise S Expertise S (5) Passive 0 0 Free You become familiar with S-Grade equipment.
Health Health (1) Passive 0 0 8340000 Increases resistance to Poison and Bleed.
Wisdom Wisdom (1) Passive 0 0 8340000 Increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, and Mental attacks.
Level 77
Eye of Pa'agrio Eye of Pa'agrio (1) (spellbook) Active
280 0 11000000 Temporarily increases clan members' critical attack power. Effect 3.
Soul of Pa'agrio Soul of Pa'agrio (1) (spellbook) Active
280 0 11000000 Temporarily increase clan members' magic power. Effect 3.
Skill Mastery Skill Mastery (1) Passive 0 0 11000000 Masters excellence in skills. Low possibility of being able to reuse skills without delay or doubles the duration. Influenced by INT.
Level 78
Pa'agrio's Emblem Pa'agrio's Emblem (1) (spellbook) Active 0 0 16000000 Temporarily increases clan members' resistance to buff cancel and debuff attack. Effect 3.
Seal of Despair Seal of Despair (1) (spellbook) Active
107 0 16000000 Instantly decreases nearby enemies' Speed, M. Def., Accuracy, P. Atk. and Atk. Spd, as well as the success rate and power of critical attacks.
Divine Lore Divine Lore (1) Passive 0 0 16000000 MP consumption for magical skills is decreased.
Arcane Power Arcane Power (1) Toggle 36 0 16000000 Significantly increases M. Atk. power, but at an increased MP cost per skill. HP will be continuously consumed while in effect.
Level 79
Seal of Blockade Seal of Blockade (1) Active 109 0 80000000 Instantly inflicts magic attack on nearby enemies and blocks the general attack. Power 80.
Pa'agrio's Fist Pa'agrio's Fist (1) (spellbook) Active 0 0 80000000 Increases Max. CP by a certain amount and instantly recovers that same amount for clan members. Consumes 20 Spirit Ores.
Victory of Pa'agrio Victory of Pa'agrio (1) (spellbook) Active 0 0 80000000 The spirit of an ancient hero will temporarily possess a clan member. Consumes 40 Spirit Ores.
Level 80
Flames of Invincibility Flames of Invincibility (1) (spellbook) Active 0 0 150000000 Bestow a blessing of flame on nearby clan members to make them invincible. Level 2 or higher Spell Force required. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.
Expertise S80 Expertise S80 (6) Passive 0 0 Free You become familiar with S80-Grade equipment.
Level 81
Enlightement Enlightement (1) - - Free (no description yet)
Magician Will Magician Will (1) - - Free (no description yet)
Turn Stone Turn Stone (1) - - Free (no description yet)
Seal of Limit Seal of Limit (1) Active 0 0 Free Temporarily limit the enemy's CP/HP and MP regeneration.
Level 82
Protection of Alignment Protection of Alignment (1) Active 0 0 Free Increase resistance to characteristic attacks, and instantly increase additional resistance to characteristic attacks if serious damage is caused.
Protection of Elemental Protection of Elemental (1) Active 0 0 Free Increase resistance to elemental attacks, and instantly increase additional resistance to elemental attacks if serious damage is caused.
Protection of Rune Protection of Rune (1) Active 0 0 Free Increase M. Def., and instantly increase additional M. Def. if serious damage is caused.
Level 83
Onslaught of Paagrio Onslaught of Paagrio (1) - - Free (no description yet)