PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator

High-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 High-Grade Life Stone: Level 52

Type: None

A high-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 52 and above.
NPC Name Type Quantity Chance
Cadeine (50) Cadeine location on the map Passive 1 1/43478
Core (50) Core location on the map Passive 2-4 40.00%
Crypt Archon (50) Crypt Archon location on the map Passive 1 1/10753
Dark Lord (50) Dark Lord location on the map Aggressive 1 1/12048
Death Knight (50) Death Knight location on the map Aggressive 1 1/8333
Decayed Ancient Knight (50) Decayed Ancient Knight location on the map Aggressive 1 1/9091
Deprive (50) Deprive location on the map Aggressive 1 1/33333
Doll Master (50) Doll Master location on the map Aggressive 1 1/9091
Forest Runner (50) Forest Runner location on the map Passive 1 1/16667
Garden Guard Leader (50) Garden Guard Leader location on the map Aggressive 1 1/8621
Harit Lizardman (50) Harit Lizardman location on the map Passive 1 1/31250
Headless Knight (50) Headless Knight location on the map Aggressive 1 1/30303
Ol Mahum Transcender (50) Ol Mahum Transcender location on the map Passive 1 1/23256
Orfen (50) Orfen location on the map Passive 2-4 40.00%
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier (50) Aggressive 1 1/697
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier (50) Aggressive 1 1/5464
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier (50) Passive 1 1/47619
Purgatory Invader Food (50) Passive 1 1/37037
Purgatory Invader Martyrs (50) Passive 1 1/12346
Purgatory Invader Priest (50) Passive 1 1/16949
Purgatory Invader Soldier (50) Passive 1 1/10000
Purgatory Invader Soldier (50) Aggressive 1 1/11628
Ragna Orc Sorcerer (50) Passive 1 1/16667
Ragna Orc Sorcerer (50) Ragna Orc Sorcerer location on the map Passive 1 1/14925
Ragna Orc Sorcerer (50) Passive 1 1/21277
Ragna Orc Sorcerer (50) Passive 1 1/16393
Spelunking Ant (50) Spelunking Ant location on the map Aggressive 1 1/25000
Spiteful Ghost Of Ruins (50) Spiteful Ghost of Ruins location on the map Aggressive 1 1/22727
Tairim (50) Tairim location on the map Passive 1 1/27027
Tanor Silenos Chieftain (50) Tanor Silenos Chieftain location on the map Aggressive 1 1/32258
Tarlk Basilisk (50) Tarlk Basilisk location on the map Passive 1 1/38462
Vanor Silenos Chieftain (50) Vanor Silenos Chieftain location on the map Passive 1 1/14286
Zaken's Guard (50) Aggressive 1 1/14706
Zaken's Guard (50) Aggressive 1 1/20833
Zaken's Royal Guard (50) Zaken's Royal Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 1/28571
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem VII (51) Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem VII location on the map Aggressive 1 1/6289
Elder Tarlk Basilisk (51) Elder Tarlk Basilisk location on the map Aggressive 1 1/35714
Fline Elder (51) Fline Elder location on the map Passive 1 1/13514
Harit Lizardman Grunt (51) Harit Lizardman Grunt location on the map Passive 1 1/23256
Horrifying Excavator Golem III (51) Horrifying Excavator Golem III location on the map Aggressive 1 1/18182
Kaim Vanul (51) Passive 1 1/23256
Kaim Vanul (51) Passive 1 1/16393
Kaim Vanul (51) Kaim Vanul location on the map Passive 1 1/32258
Kaim Vanul Lad (51) Kaim Vanul Lad location on the map Passive 1 1/8264
Royal Cave Servant (51) Royal Cave Servant location on the map Passive 1 1/20833
Soldier Of Grief (51) Soldier of Grief location on the map Passive 1 1/25000
Taik Orc Supply (51) Taik Orc Supply location on the map Passive 1 1/21277
Treasure Chest (51) Passive 1 1/33333
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II (52) Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II location on the map Aggressive 1 1/6623
Cruel Punisher (52) Cruel Punisher location on the map Passive 1 1/27027
Crypt Inquisitor (52) Crypt Inquisitor location on the map Aggressive 1 1/10638
Epic Cannon Golem Adjunct (52) Epic Cannon Golem Adjunct location on the map Passive 1 1/9615
Ginzu Golem Prodigy X (52) Ginzu Golem Prodigy X location on the map Aggressive 1 1/5102
Harit Lizardman Archer (52) Harit Lizardman Archer location on the map Aggressive 1 1/31250
Horrifying Cannon Golem (52) Horrifying Cannon Golem location on the map Aggressive 1 1/7092
Horrifying Jackhammer Golem (52) Horrifying Jackhammer Golem location on the map Aggressive 1 1/7634
Hunter Gargoyle (52) Hunter Gargoyle location on the map Passive 1 1/25000
Liele Elder (52) Liele Elder location on the map Aggressive 1 1/16393
Pirate Zombie Captain (52) Aggressive 1 1/14085
Pirate Zombie Captain (52) Aggressive 1 1/20000
Pirate's Zombie Captain (52) Pirate's Zombie Captain location on the map Aggressive 1 1/27027
Sanhidro (52) Sanhidro location on the map Passive 1 1/27778
Sepulcher Inquisitor (52) Sepulcher Inquisitor location on the map Aggressive 1 1/12500
Taik Orc Seeker (52) Taik Orc Seeker location on the map Passive 1 1/24390
Zombie Captain's Spiritual Body (52) Zombie Captain's Spiritual Body location on the map Aggressive 1 1/6757
Farcran (53) Farcran location on the map Passive 1 1/31250