PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator
Light of Elcardia

Compound Braid Compound Braid (recipe 100%

Type: Material

A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
NPC Name Type Quantity Chance
Gigant Overseer (27) Gigant Overseer location on the map Passive 1 1/113
Grave Robber Scout (27) Grave Robber Scout location on the map Passive 1 1/333
Lith Warrior (27) Lith Warrior location on the map Passive 1 1/136
Giant Crimson Ant (28) Giant Crimson Ant location on the map Passive 1 1/300
Neer Crawler (28) Neer Crawler location on the map Aggressive 1 1/324
Turek Orc Skirmisher (28) Turek Orc Skirmisher location on the map Aggressive 1 1/174
Grave Robber Guard (29) Grave Robber Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/310
Iron Ore Golem (29) Iron Ore Golem location on the map Aggressive 1 1/382
Neer Ghoul Berserker (29) Neer Ghoul Berserker location on the map Aggressive 1 1/424
Ol Mahum Sergeant (29) Ol Mahum Sergeant location on the map Passive 1 1/174
Watchman Of The Plains (30) Watchman of the Plains location on the map Aggressive 1 1/304
Whispering Wind (30) Whispering Wind location on the map Passive 1 1/258
Magical Eye (31) Magical Eye location on the map Aggressive 1 1/294
Ant Overseer (32) Ant Overseer location on the map Passive 1 1/200
Barrow Monk (32) Barrow Monk location on the map Aggressive 1 1/111
Ghost Of A General (32) Ghost of a General location on the map Aggressive 1 1/202
Harpy (32) Harpy location on the map Aggressive 1 1/273
Breka Orc Warrior (33) Breka Orc Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/294
Delu Lizardman Special Agent (33) Delu Lizardman Special Agent location on the map Passive 1 1/209
Ghost Of A Turka Chief (33) Aggressive 1 1/217
Ghost Of A Turka Chief (33) Aggressive 1 1/217
Granite Golem (33) Granite Golem location on the map Passive 1 1/317
Otherworldly Invader Shaman (33) Aggressive 1 1/113
Otherworldly Invader Warrior (33) Aggressive 1 1/140
Treasure Chest (33) Treasure Chest location on the map Passive 1 1/324
Turak Bugbear Warrior (33) Turak Bugbear Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/164
Bandit Undertaker (34) Bandit Undertaker location on the map Passive 1 1/287
Dead Seeker (34) Dead Seeker location on the map Passive 1 1/299
Ant Guard (35) Ant Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/336
Dread Wolf (35) Dread Wolf location on the map Aggressive 1 1/433
Dread Wolf (35) Dread Wolf location on the map Aggressive 1 1/696
Grave Sentinel (35) Grave Sentinel location on the map Aggressive 1 1/107
Otherworldly Invader Berserker (35) Aggressive 1 1/112
Otherworldly Invader Elite Soldier (35) Aggressive 1 1.91%
Rakul (35) Rakul location on the map Passive 1 1/269
Bandit Warrior (36) Bandit Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/152
Crokian (36) Crokian location on the map Aggressive 1 1/285
Guardian Basilisk (36) Guardian Basilisk location on the map Passive 1 1/255
Leto Lizardman Archer (36) Leto Lizardman Archer location on the map Passive 1 1/221
Dailaon (37) Dailaon location on the map Passive 1 1/287
Leto Lizardman Soldier (37) Leto Lizardman Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1/254
Wasp Leader (37) Wasp Leader location on the map Aggressive 1 1/569
Cave Ant Soldier (38) Aggressive 1 1.05%
Leto Lizardman Warrior (38) Leto Lizardman Warrior location on the map Passive 1 1/113
Ogre (38) Ogre location on the map Aggressive 1 1/329
Ogre (38) Ogre location on the map Aggressive 1 1/332
Karul Bugbear (40) Karul Bugbear location on the map Passive 1 1/161
Ragna Orc (40) Ragna Orc location on the map Passive 1 1/122
Taik Orc Archer (41) Taik Orc Archer location on the map Passive 1 1/191
Hallowed Priest (42) Hallowed Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1.41%
Snipe Cohort (42) Snipe Cohort location on the map Passive 1 1.11%
Blade Stakato Warrior (43) Blade Stakato Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/176
Catacomb Gargoyle (43) Catacomb Gargoyle location on the map Aggressive 1 1.57%
Dimension Invader Warrior (43) Aggressive 1 1.38%
Krator (44) Krator location on the map Passive 1 1/145
Ragna Orc Warrior (44) Ragna Orc Warrior location on the map Aggressive 1 1/196
Swamp Alligator (44) Swamp Alligator location on the map Passive 1 1.16%
Dimension Invader Elite Soldier (45) Aggressive 1 1/125
Fline (45) Fline location on the map Passive 1 1/158
Grave Wanderer (45) Grave Wanderer location on the map Passive 1 1/315
Timak Orc Overlord (45) Timak Orc Overlord location on the map Aggressive 1 1/236
Weird Drake (45) Weird Drake location on the map Aggressive 1 1/291
Tanor Silenos Warrior (46) Tanor Silenos Warrior location on the map Passive 1 1/317
Death Flyer (47) Death Flyer location on the map Passive 1 1/314
Death Flyer (47) Passive 1 1/163
Death Flyer (47) Passive 1 1/231
Vanor Silenos Scout (47) Vanor Silenos Scout location on the map Aggressive 1 1/254
Mirror (49) Mirror location on the map Passive 1 1/134
Dark Lord (50) Dark Lord location on the map Aggressive 1 1/125
Purgatory Invader Martyrs (50) Passive 1 1/128
Tarlk Basilisk (50) Tarlk Basilisk location on the map Passive 1 1/395
Kaim Vanul Lad (51) Kaim Vanul Lad location on the map Passive 1 1.16%
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II (52) Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II location on the map Aggressive 1 1.45%
Lost Watcher (53) Lost Watcher location on the map Passive 1 1/276
Roving Soul (53) Roving Soul location on the map Passive 1 1/245
Elder Lost Watcher (54) Elder Lost Watcher location on the map Passive 1 1/240
Marsh Drake (55) Marsh Drake location on the map Aggressive 1 1/272
Pobby Escort (55) Pobby Escort location on the map Passive 1 1/266
Purgatory Invader Berserker (55) Aggressive 1 1/107
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier (55) Aggressive 1 1.78%
Hamrut (58) Hamrut location on the map Aggressive 1 1/200
Blood Queen (60) Blood Queen location on the map Aggressive 1 1/184
Bloody Lady (60) Bloody Lady location on the map Aggressive 1 1/131
Claws Of Splendor (60) Passive 1 1/157
Claws Of Splendor (60) Claws of Splendor location on the map Passive 1 1/187
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (60) Passive 1 1/529
Ghost Of The Tower (60) Ghost of the Tower location on the map Aggressive 1 1/123
Seer Of Hallate (60) Seer of Hallate location on the map Aggressive 1 1/113
Wisdom Of Splendor (62) Wisdom of Splendor location on the map Aggressive 1 1/139
Resurrected Knight (63) Resurrected Knight location on the map Passive 1 1/249
Treasure Chest (63) Passive 1 1/312
Trives (63) Trives location on the map Passive 1 1/236
Doom Warrior (64) Doom Warrior location on the map Passive 1 1/252
Elmoradan's Archer Escort (64) Elmoradan's Archer Escort location on the map Passive 1 1.10%
Past Knight (64) Past Knight location on the map Aggressive 1 1/256
Plando (64) Plando location on the map Aggressive 1 1.46%
Purgatory Tarantula (64) Purgatory Tarantula location on the map Aggressive 1 1.03%
Victory Of Splendor (64) Victory of Splendor location on the map Passive 1 1/173
Alpine Kookaburra (65) Aggressive 1 1.08%
Archer Of Abyss (65) Archer of Abyss location on the map Aggressive 1 1/101
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (65) Aggressive 1 1.26%
Hallate's Maid (66) Hallate's Maid location on the map Aggressive 1 1.35%
Resurrected Guard (66) Resurrected Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 1/160
Resurrected Guard (66) Resurrected Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/151
Sepulcher Sage (67) Sepulcher Sage location on the map Aggressive 1 1.38%
Skull Collector (67) Skull Collector location on the map Aggressive 1 1/133
Skull Animator (68) Skull Animator location on the map Aggressive 1 1/132
Alpine Cougar (69) Aggressive 1 1.18%
Bone Sweeper (69) Bone Sweeper location on the map Passive 1 1/130
Pytan (69) Pytan location on the map Aggressive 1 1.36%
Bone Grinder (70) Aggressive 1 1/134
Bone Grinder (70) Bone Grinder location on the map Aggressive 1 1.33%
Buffalo (70) Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/148
Buffalo (70) Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/150
Buffalo (70) Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/149
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier (70) Passive 1 1/344
Bloody Sniper (71) Bloody Sniper location on the map Aggressive 1 2.09%
Conjurer Bat Lord (72) Conjurer Bat Lord location on the map Aggressive 1 1/126
Crypt Preacher (72) Crypt Preacher location on the map Aggressive 1 2.17%
Gaze Of Nightmare (72) Gaze of Nightmare location on the map Passive 1 1.83%
Hot Springs Buffalo (73) Hot Springs Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1.35%
Platinum Guardian Shaman (73) Platinum Guardian Shaman location on the map Aggressive 1 2.10%
Scavenger Scarab (73) Scavenger Scarab location on the map Aggressive 1 1/140
Bloody Mystic (74) Bloody Mystic location on the map Passive 1 1.80%
Hot Springs Antelope (74) Hot Springs Antelope location on the map Passive 1 1.40%
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier (75) Aggressive 1 3.12%
Elder Homunculus (75) Elder Homunculus location on the map Aggressive 1 2.47%
Platinum Guardian Chief (75) Platinum Guardian Chief location on the map Aggressive 1 2.37%
Shrine Guard (75) Shrine Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/124
Disciples Of Authority (76) Disciples of Authority location on the map Aggressive 1 2.88%
Disciples Of Authority (76) Disciples of Authority location on the map Aggressive 1 3.13%
Blazing Ifrit (78) Blazing Ifrit location on the map Aggressive 1 4.88%
Divine Advocate (78) Divine Advocate location on the map Passive 1 4.01%
Hasturan (78) Hasturan location on the map Aggressive 1 2.70%
Hasturan (78) Hasturan location on the map Aggressive 1 2.59%
Imperial Royal Guard (78) Imperial Royal Guard location on the map Passive 1 2.43%
Imperial Royal Guard (78) Passive 1 2.47%
Katraxis (78) Katraxis location on the map Aggressive 1 2.34%
Katraxis (78) Katraxis location on the map Aggressive 1 2.70%
Ketra Orc Battalion Commander (78) Ketra Orc Battalion Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1.49%
Ketra Orc Elite Soldier (78) Ketra Orc Elite Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1.51%
Mercenary Of Destruction (78) Mercenary of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 3.29%
Messenger Invader Berserker (78) Aggressive 1 1.90%
Nonexistent Man (78) Nonexistent Man location on the map Passive 1 1/201
Pilgrim Of Light (78) Pilgrim of Light location on the map Passive 1 1/200
Prophet's Guard (78) Prophet's Guard location on the map Passive 1 2.02%
Ritual Sacrifice (78) Ritual Sacrifice location on the map Aggressive 1 3.19%
Royal Guard Of Empire (78) Royal Guard of Empire location on the map Passive 1 2.88%
Royal Guard Of Empire (78) Passive 1 3.22%
Scarlet Stakato Noble (78) Scarlet Stakato Noble location on the map Aggressive 1 3.30%
Silent Seeker (78) Silent Seeker location on the map Aggressive 1 2.60%
Temple Guard (78) Temple Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 2.53%
Temple Guard Captain (78) Temple Guard Captain location on the map Aggressive 1 2.44%
Triol's High Priest (78) Triol's High Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 5.87%
Triol's Priest (78) Triol's Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 4.79%
Triol's Priest (78) Triol's Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 3.57%
Triol's Priest (78) Triol's Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 5.25%
Varka Silenos Hunter (78) Varka Silenos Hunter location on the map Aggressive 1 1.56%
Varka Silenos Seer (78) Varka Silenos Seer location on the map Aggressive 1 1.46%
Varka's Commander (78) Varka's Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 2.36%
Chromatic Detainee (81) Passive 1 1.58%
Burning Iris (82) Passive 1 2.56%
Castalia (82) Castalia location on the map Aggressive 1 1.23%
Terod's Minion (82) Terod's Minion location on the map Passive 1 9.88%
Water Dragon Detractor (82) Aggressive 1 1/159
Weylin's Minion (82) Aggressive 1 8.50%
Parme's Guardian (83) Aggressive 1 7.91%
Darion's Executioner (84) Darion's Executioner location on the map Aggressive 1 1/127
Cosmic Priest (85) Aggressive 4-12 3.11%
Labyrinth Seer (85) Aggressive 1 5.62%
Slave Of Envy (86) Slave of Envy location on the map Passive 1 3.87%
Shady Muertos Captain (17) Shady Muertos Captain location on the map Passive 1 1/40
Gigant Overseer (27) Gigant Overseer location on the map Passive 1 1/13
Lith Warrior (27) Lith Warrior location on the map Passive 1 1/13
Ol Mahum Marksman (28) Ol Mahum Marksman location on the map Passive 1 1/16
Ghost Of A Turka Chief (33) Aggressive 1 1/19
Otherworldly Invader Elite Soldier (35) Aggressive 1 1/5
Leto Lizardman Soldier (37) Leto Lizardman Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1/19
Hallowed Priest (42) Hallowed Priest location on the map Aggressive 1 1/6
Tamlin Orc Archer (42) Tamlin Orc Archer location on the map Passive 1 1/11
Vanor Silenos Scout (47) Vanor Silenos Scout location on the map Aggressive 1 1/9
Wisdom Of Splendor (62) Wisdom of Splendor location on the map Aggressive 1 1/4
Purgatory Tarantula (64) Purgatory Tarantula location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2
Alpine Kookaburra (65) Passive 1 1/6
Hallate's Maid (66) Hallate's Maid location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2
Alpine Buffalo (67) Aggressive 1 1/3
Buffalo (70) Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/4
Buffalo (70) Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/4
Buffalo (70) Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/4
Conjurer Bat (70) Conjurer Bat location on the map Passive 1 1/3
Bloody Sniper (71) Bloody Sniper location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2
Hot Springs Buffalo (73) Hot Springs Buffalo location on the map Passive 1 1/2
Shrine Guard (75) Shrine Guard location on the map Passive 1 1/5
Ketra Orc Battalion Commander (78) Ketra Orc Battalion Commander location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2
Ketra Orc Elite Soldier (78) Ketra Orc Elite Soldier location on the map Aggressive 1 1/3
Mercenary Of Destruction (78) Mercenary of Destruction location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1
Scarlet Stakato Noble (78) Scarlet Stakato Noble location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1
Temple Guard (78) Temple Guard location on the map Aggressive 1 1/1
Elroki (80) Elroki location on the map Aggressive 1 1/2
Burning Iris (82) Passive 1 1/3
Weylin's Minion (82) Aggressive 1-3 1/2
Foundry Spirit Guard (86) Passive 1-13 1/1