PMfun :: Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator

Common Item - Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Common Item - Sealed Tallum Leather Armor (crystals: 18 A)

Type: Light , P.Atk/Def: 209, M.Atk/Def: 0

Sealed Tallum Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.
NPC Name Type Quantity Chance
Needle Stakato Drone (74) Needle Stakato Drone location on the map Passive 1 1/3817
Ghost Of A Gatekeeper (76) Ghost of a Gatekeeper location on the map Passive 1 1/4525
Hames Orc Sniper (72) Hames Orc Sniper location on the map Passive 1 1/5556
Grazing Antelope (77) Grazing Antelope location on the map Aggressive 1 1/5780
Changed Creation (74) Changed Creation location on the map Passive 1 1/6944
Lava Wyrm (70) Lava Wyrm location on the map Aggressive 1 1/7576
Marsh Predator (69) Marsh Predator location on the map Passive 1 1/7937